Saturday, September 27, 2008

Introducing... Our first theme!

It all started last night... "tell me something to draw," she said. The whim was to draw something with eyes closed. Why? Why not? It's different, a little challenging perhaps, and likely to produce very unexpected results. 

"Draw a... skeleton," I said. And she did. With much laughter after, she said "now, you do it!" "I dunno... it's gonna look awful," my hesitation spoke for me. 

"No peeking!" 

Of course. That's the idea. 

It was a little weird, even a bit uncomfortable... you're in a new element, without relying on what comes naturally for most of us. Your brain is trying to picture where you should be on the paper, and hope that your brain-eye coordination is just remotely as good as your hand-eye... and it isn't (unless you're super-talented).

Yeah, the skeleton's look weird, but that's the point! Here's our results...

Cool! Not too bad for a first try!

So now it's your turn... try a skeleton, send it in. Email it to and we'll set it up here on site.

UPDATE: Woohoo! Our first "outside" submission. Thanks, L.M., nice job!



Mrs. Mancuso said...

awesome concept - just emailed you my pathetic effort.

Kat Atonic said...

Cuuuuuuute! Hahaha!